UPDATE: Now You Can Issue NFT or SBT Directly to a Wallet


UPDATE: Now You Can Issue NFT or SBT Directly to a Wallet

We just updated our platform to enable you to directly mint NFT (non-fungible token) or SBT (soulbound token) for a third-party wallet. This means instead of having to issue a token to your own wallet and subsequently transferring it to another wallet address, you can now perform this in a single process under one blockchain transaction, hence saving gas.

Nonetheless, you could still issue tokens to your own wallet, that is the wallet that owns the smart contract.


How To Use

As always, we try to keep things super simple.

  1. Create your smart contract – Ensure you’ve created a contract on our platform prior to minting.
  2. Mint an NFT or SBT by entering the recipient’s wallet address – View the screenshot below. If you leave the field empty, the token will be minted for your wallet.

Mint token for a third party wallet