Bulk Mint NFTs and SBTs Without Coding – A Complete Tutorial

Minting Tools

Bulk Mint NFTs and SBTs Without Coding – A Complete Tutorial

This step-by-step tutorial will guide you on how to create multiple non-fungible tokens (NFT) or soulbound tokens (SBT) under one blockchain transaction, all without programming. This one-shot-one-kill method is meant to save you gas fees and effort, made possible by Mintinite – a free-to-use Web3 minting platform. It currently supports Ethereum and all Ethereum-compatible (EVM) networks and is free to use, except that you need to commit gas fees to the network you are minting on.

With this platform, you may create NFT or SBT tokens for multiple wallet addresses at once. SBT stands for soulbound tokens and it is essentially an NFT but without the ability to be transferred out from the wallet. Hence, soulbound.

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

Ensure you already own a Web3 wallet. The most common wallet is MetaMask. Then, go to Mintnite.io and log in by connecting your wallet. Other EVM wallets such as Coinbase, Rainbow, TrustWallet are also supported. There’s no need to enter your email address.

Step 2: Create Your NFT or SBT Contract

You need a smart contract to issue the tokens. Here you get to choose if you wish to create a smart contract that mints NFTs or SBTs.

Create smart contract with no programming

Just like any smart contract on any chain, you need to provide a contract name and a symbol. This symbol is actually like ETH for Ethereum.

When you hit the Create Contract button, your wallet will pop up to enable you to transact on the blockchain. Once your contract is created on your connected chain, you will receive a receipt like below.

Smart contract creation receipt

Step 3: Mint Multiple NFT or SBT Tokens For Multiple Addresses

Now that you have a smart contract that fully belongs to you, you may freely issue non-fungible tokens. Before minting, you can pick between wanting to upload a public or private token.

  • Public token – The actual token payload will be visible to everyone on the chain and on IPFS. The file is also searchable on Mintnite.
  • Private token – Only the file hash value is stored in the token on the chain. No file is uploaded to IPFS. The file is not searchable on Mintnite and only you may privately view the payload.

First, you need to provide a title and description for your digital token. Then, you need to upload the main content – the payload. The payload may be any digital files and you can upload different file formats such as image formats (png, jpg, gif, webp, etc), documents (doc, docx, pdf, txt, ppt, etc) and others.

The token’s title, description and payload will not be uploaded to the token itself but to IPFS, just like any other NFTs. Think of IPFS as a glorified Google Drive that will never cease to exist because it is decentralized, and owned by thousands of stakeholders around the world. You may also run your own IPFS server if you want to.

Here’s an example of an NFT ticket metadata file stored on IPFS. This file basically contains the title, description and file you uploaded, while the token stores the URL of this file.

NFT SBT minting anatomy

You get a final chance to review your token before minting. Once you’re satisfied, you may go ahead and transact on the blockchain. Subsequently, you shall receive a receipt as shown below.

NFT minting receipt

Final Results

Below is the final result shown on Etherscan. Notice the multiple token IDs under this one single transaction. This represents the different NFT tokens that were minted, each belongs to a wallet address.

Etherscan minting results

And below is the NFT ticket visible on the MetaMask wallet.

NFT ticket shown on MetaMask